They are scrambling right now to fix their mistake, but unfortunately it appears that no one is buying into the situation.
I say "unfortunately" because airplane spotters around the US are in a precarious position. We enjoy our hobby, and we don't create any situations that should alarm or cause harm to the objects we photograph, but as I type this there are bills in cities, and in Congress, that if enacted will effectively kill aviation photography.
But you can still go take pictures of ships, trains, bus's, cars, and a few other methods of transportation, but just because some idiotic, misguided, moronic terrorists decided to use airplanes instead, we who takes pictures of airplanes are getting shafted left and right each and every day.
Cities are passing bans on photographing aircraft at general aviation airports locally, and congress is moving towards increased radius distances from major airports, and higher security guidelines.
We really needed all the friends we can get, because at some point this is going to get completely out of our control, and I don't know about the rest of you folks on, I don't have the several million dollars a year it takes to hire lobbyists to keep some basic freedoms for us going.
A lot of the photographers over there are acting like they will just pull their pictures and not re-post them any where. That would be a shame.
So we really need more sites, not less although I would prefer to get the lions share, lets hope we don't lose anymore.
It will hurt all of us in the long run.
(Stepping back off my soapbox)