Michael, you will see a number of examples of California-based aircraft photographed at different airports between Dean Heald's photos, Steve Nation's photos and mine. There are probably other examples, also. Dean covers Los Angeles County and Ventura County airports, I cover Ventura County airports and Steve seems to leave no California airport unturned without photographs at it! Our good weather, many aircraft based and constant flying makes many examples of aircraft seen and photographed at numerous airports.
Ken's idea of looking at all aircraft phjotos on a Profile Page will turn up numerous examples, especially in the warbird and experimental categories, but also in "Wichita Tin". There are also a lot of aircraft type-based organizations with California flyins, the Piper J3 Cubs annual meeting at Lompoc is just one example. The first Sunday of the month Aviation Museum of Santa Paula Day at SZP also brings a lot of transient aircraft pictured at many California airports, sometimes on the same day by different photographers! The event is a good way to get rare and precious aircraft out of their hangars, and also has personal property tax advantages for aircraft 25 years or older (tax is waived for 12 public annual showings) in California.
Many of my photos show the same aircraft at SZP and at CMA. You can't get jet-turbine fuel at SZP, so the Turbine Legends fly over to CMA to refuel. But, OXR is difficult as there is practically no photo access, save one limited area near the terminal.