This was my father's plane. In the late 60's I flew in it as a kid. In the 70's I took all my flying lessons in it, soloed in it and flew it it for several years after getting my ticket. I am glad to know that she is still airworthy and flying high. One day I would like to fly her one more time if the current owner would allow it.
My father was my instructor pilot. That made for some great father/son bonding. I still remember the grin on my father's face when I made my first solo flight. So I did not have to pay for any of my lessons and flight time on the plane was no cost since we owned it. When it was time for my final check ride to get my ticket, Dad could not do it since he was my instructor so he got a friend of his to do it. After I passed I asked how much I owed for the check ride and he told me "Buy me lunch". I did and it cost me $10. Had to be the cheapest private ticket ever.
I got my private ticket two weeks before I got my drivers license. My last two years of high school I was the BMOC with my friends because after school we could go to the airport and fly around town for a couple hours. Everyone wanted to go. While all the other kids were asking their parents "Dad, can I borrow the car" I was asking "Hey Dad, can I use the plane?". I remember one afternoon flight where we flew over a riding club rather low and saw a gorgeous young girl riding a horse. We circled around waving at her and she waved back. Then she took off her top and waved some more. I almost crashed! We landed at the airport and spent 4 days trying to find that place again. We never did.