I have posted a photo of 'EXF taken in 1961 - you can see that it has partial spats and quite a bulbous cockpit cover. Compare that to the numerous other pictures posted, all taken recently. This configuration was made in early 1950's to allow better visibility whilst taxying but it shaved about 20mph off its top speed (265mph max; though recorded at 236.5 mph when it won the 1938 Kings Cup air race). It is now at Shuttleworth, Old Warden, rebuilt to the specifications it had for a pre war England to the Cape of Good hope record attempt I believe (Correct me if I am wrong here).
I saw this aircraft in a Kings Cup Air Race at Baginton in 1959 or 1960. The organisers handicapped it so much it hardly had any chance however it performed so well and looked so good that I have admired it ever since.