Might be a good idea, till we get confirmation..
KA-300s' marketed as 350s'
FL-36 > N4200K > N96KA > C-FYKN (with Air Tindi, Canada c.2011)
FL-37 > N81604 > TC-DHA
FL-37 already listed, with msn as "FL37"
Suggest changing it to FL-37
Suggest listing King-Air msn with a dash (e.g. FL-37) as most refs use this format (including JP-fleets) and most King Air engine and airframe logbooks, that I deal with.
The FAA's USCR is all over the place in its listing. Good idea, that Ken stopped syncing A-D to FAA USCR, as it created a lot of duplication and confusion.
Also FL-37 was probably DBR - w/o ?