For the biz jet enthusiasts, NBAA Convention is coming up October 21-23. All sorts of biz jets ranging from the small Honda jet and various Citations up to 737 BBJs, A319CJs. In years past we have had 727s, BAE-146s etc show up at the Orlando Executive Airport. During the days leading up to and during as well as after, Orlando Executive Airport is one of the busiest airports in the country for all the arrivals and departures.
Unfortunately for those who have been there in the past - there are two disappointments this year:
1. Kittinger Park, a favorite spotting location during NBAA will be closed due to construction work in the park. They will be putting in an F-4 Phantom on a pedestal, but the park is currenty closed and will be until after NBAA.
2. The GOAA Admin office parking lot, which was a favorite for spotters - not great for photography (looking into sun), but popular for the Brits who like to record tail #s, has a new obstruction. There is a new maintenance building going up next to the admin building. This blocks a lot of the view of the airfield. You can still spot from the lot, and no one gives people trouble unlike the big airport further south - but just less room to spot now.