Ken, I need clarification. Can the new sort function be done by any viewer? If so, can it be undone by the photographer? Permanently?
Yes it can be changed by any viewer.
No there's no option for photographer to turn the function off.
I do not want my Home Page changed by any viewer, and do not want to have to constantly change it back to my aircraft and airport photo selections if modified by someone else.
The "sort by" selection is per-viewer option and is one time only. Anyone who does not change the sort option, will view galleries like they are now, in other words, sort by default: upload date.
For example, while I am browsing through your gallery, I can temporarily change the order of a folder to a different way, say airport code, so photos from the same airport will be put together. Some other visitors is viewing your gallery at the same time, my sort option will NOT have any effect on them. A few days later, I come back to visit your gallery again, I will see it in default (original) sort way.
I have substantial reservations about the new "feature". Please take it OFF my home Page. I do not wish to have it there, either by aircraft, airport or by date.
I will think about it, see if I can add an option in member section to control that.
On some of these "suggestions", what happened to the Poll Feature of the Forum? Shouldn't other photographers be able to throw in their two cents worth, as in a Democracy? :?:
As I explained, this function does not change the default way of viewing a gallery. It just add a new option for any viewer who want to order the photos in a different way (for example, to look for certain type of photos faster and easier).
Hope this cleared a few questions for you.