Put a search for this bird because of emotional connection. Owned this a/c for few years in early 70s. It served me well, all over the Country while based in Amarillo Texas. It was my second aircraft after my C172. Since me first encounter with flying in 1956 in Alaska I have been flying Part 135 stuff off and on for 9245 hours. Never in my bird, but for Amarillo Flying Service mostly 400 Series birds, never used my birds for service, they were for business and pleasure only, plenty of the latter. Saw the 182 is in Houston, TX now, thought I may be able to chat with the current owner to see what has changed from the IFR basics then to whatever it is now. It's been 10 or 15 years since I hit the blue, but very happy to fly the time I have flown, never a dull moment. Well by for now, maybe I'll find a flying buddy to chat with, John.