• Airports
  • Does anybody update the Airports database on this site?

There are a number of requests to have the airports updated on this site dating back more than 6 months which have not been actioned. So much for Airport Data?


My understanding is that this area is looked after solely by Ken himself.

I will contact him to bring to his attention your request and concern.



Might be a good idea, but there is a caveat.

Some FAA, IATA, or ICAO ID's have been dropped, deleted or changed.

Uploading photos from these 'missing' ID's does not add a location to the image banner.

It then has to be added manually into the photo comments, which I believe precludes some site search for aircraft at these airports (photos shown, under a particular airport, profile)

An example: Old (now closed) Pitman Airport ID: 24N has been transferred to the Jicarilla Apache Nation field in Dulce NM. another, NXX or KNXX which was Willow Grove NAS has been deleted.

I'm all for updates to the Airport ID database, but would like to keep the older IDs in the database for future image uploads...


6 months later

I might be totally out of line here, and if I am, I sincerely apologise. But has anyone heard from Ken in a while? There has only been one "photo" loaded under his name since 2007, and that is only a logo. Oddly, the upload date is one day before the shot date.


I have browsed the Airfields and Data Correction forum indexes and have not seen the user id Airport Data since 2012. It was not an exhaustive search of the whole index, but I am a little surprised that a database called Airport-Data.com has not had airport data updated in such a long while. Airframe data corrections seem to be pretty much up to date.

Just wondered if Ken was OK.


Last night I was looking at some photos on flickr.com, taken by a pilot who happens to live within 10 miles of me. He had photos he had taken on some of his trips, and the file details included ICAO codes of some airfields I had not heard of. I checked on this database and they were not listed here either.

So I started to put together a spreadsheet of airfields within a 200 mile radius of my home (to start with), and within a very short time I had a list of almost 40 airfields. Some of these were not on this database, so I did a series of searches online. I found a couple of other databases which were lists like mine but were world-wide lists with thousands of entries, and very time consuming to search. I also found other databases that had many of the airfields, but each on a separate page so they had to be independently searched. Not one had EVERY airfield on my short list, they were included on one or the other, but they ALL had ICAO codes.

Progressively I will build and expand this list, possibly adding further details. When the airfield data on this site is caught up to date with what has already been advised, I will send a list of further additions.
