For my 70th birthday present , I opted to travel from the UK with my wife and spend a week at the 2017 AirVenture event at Oshkosh , Wisconsin.

We were blessed with glorious weather all week , which enabled me to take some 3,500 photographs.

Putting a list of registrations seen , would not do justice to the colour and enjoyment of the event - so I have put together an album of photos that hopefully showcases the essence of the week - whether Warbirds or homebuilts , Bizjets or general aviation - there really is something for every one

Save this link -its an album of nearly 850 photos - so it may pass on an hour

on a rainy day !

Tip : when the link opens - in the right hand corner above the photos are 3 icons

- the left hand of the three - is the slideshow function


Feel free to share the link with anyone you think may be interested or post in other Forums

Terry Fletcher