First time on here.

Was looking for information on Yuba county airport, KMYV.

The picture only shows one runway and the numbers are not 32 14.

This looks like a great site, thanks for setting it up.


MARYSVILLE-Yuba County (KMYV) 3 miles SE of Marysville N39 5.8667/W121 34 1900' MagVar(1985) Elev: 64, Phone 530-741-6463 Attnd: year-round, 7 days a week, 0600-1800. Charts: San Fransisco. COMM: Approach/Departure 125.4 WX 118.475T(530-742-0695), CTAF 123.05, UNICOM 123.05, Navaids(VOR/DME)

110.8/093 degr./0 nm, ILA((VORTAC) 114.4/068 degr./21 nm; Approaches: ILS, LOC,VOR,RNAV.GPS. Runways: 05/23 3281x60 paved, good cond. 14/32 6006x150 paved, good cond. Edge VGS TPA: All Acft enter Airport Traffic Pattern at 1000 ft AGL Except turbine-powered or large airplanes at 1500 ft AGL. Lighting: Beacon(white-green); PCL: Yes. Notes: Intensive Flight Training. Fees: Hangar, Tiedown. Rests on field Jeanne's Catering 530-743-4950, Rests: Peach Tree 2 mi. 530-743-4918. Taxi Yellow Cab 530-743-4661.

NOTE: ALL 2013-2014 INFO here MAY NOT BE CURRENT/UP TO DATE. Confirm/Check before flying to/in.