First time on here.
Was looking for information on Yuba county airport, KMYV.
The picture only shows one runway and the numbers are not 32 14.
This looks like a great site, thanks for setting it up.
First time on here.
Was looking for information on Yuba county airport, KMYV.
The picture only shows one runway and the numbers are not 32 14.
This looks like a great site, thanks for setting it up.
MARYSVILLE-Yuba County (KMYV) 3 miles SE of Marysville N39 5.8667/W121 34 1900' MagVar(1985) Elev: 64, Phone 530-741-6463 Attnd: year-round, 7 days a week, 0600-1800. Charts: San Fransisco. COMM: Approach/Departure 125.4 WX 118.475T(530-742-0695), CTAF 123.05, UNICOM 123.05, Navaids(VOR/DME)
110.8/093 degr./0 nm, ILA((VORTAC) 114.4/068 degr./21 nm; Approaches: ILS, LOC,VOR,RNAV.GPS. Runways: 05/23 3281x60 paved, good cond. 14/32 6006x150 paved, good cond. Edge VGS TPA: All Acft enter Airport Traffic Pattern at 1000 ft AGL Except turbine-powered or large airplanes at 1500 ft AGL. Lighting: Beacon(white-green); PCL: Yes. Notes: Intensive Flight Training. Fees: Hangar, Tiedown. Rests on field Jeanne's Catering 530-743-4950, Rests: Peach Tree 2 mi. 530-743-4918. Taxi Yellow Cab 530-743-4661.
NOTE: ALL 2013-2014 INFO here MAY NOT BE CURRENT/UP TO DATE. Confirm/Check before flying to/in.