Good Morning Fellow Spotters, and Aircraft Addicts;
I have been searching all the pictures and forums and exploring this website to see what all this site has, and I am rather enjoying it.
I am quite impressed with a few of the features, but that is not what this thread is about...
I want to ask all of you one simple question.
What aircraft, to your knowledge, was it that started your addiction to aircraft spotting or shooting aircraft pictures?
For me, the aircraft that started my addiction to aircraft was the F-117A Stealth Fighter, during an airshow at CFB Trenton (Ontario, Canada) there was a F-117 as one of the static aircraft on display. I was pretty young at that time, maybe like 9 or so, it was during the 90's anyway, at which time,I still remember that tensions were pretty strong with Russia.
Anyway, I can still remember that beautiful shiny black aircraft with all those guys in the old camoflague uniforms and of course they were armed, but that aircraft was absolutely gorgeous...Its a shame that the F-117 is now retired :(