(1). Name the very first non-pilot aircraft passenger. (2) On what exact date was the passenger carried in (3) what exact aircraft to test compliance? (4) Name all of the aircraft requirements/specifications.

Note that there can be only one set of true answers to this quiz.

1. Charley Fumas

2. 14th My 1908

3. Modified Wright Flyer III

4. Capable of carrying two blokes.

Enough fuel to enable range of 125 miles.

Must be able to fly at a speed of at least 40 mph.

My source has it spelled Charles Furnas, an employee who was taken on that first brief flight on May 14, 1908, otherwise all correct! Furnas was a non-pilot Wilbur Wright employee and the very first aircraft passenger to fly in an airplane. Congrats on getting this correct!