It is with deep regret that I will no longer be making corrections for this site, effective immediately.

We supposedly have two other moderators who are assisting with corrections. I see one Mod who posts to “Comments” on military aircraft, listing other profiles that should be linked, but instead he deletes the comments after a couple of weeks. He also claims to have e-mail connection with the Admin.

The other Mod hasn’t corrected or answered any questions or comments in what appears to be over 2 years, but he gets credit for being a Moderator.

We also have an individual who is lazy, doesn’t care what profile his aircraft falls into, as long as it is loaded. The person appears to be in a race with our top good photographers.

Personally, I would like to say I appreciate the following members for their contributions to help better this site:

01. Peter Nicholson, TOP CONTRIBUTOR

02. Mark Pasqualino

03. Red750

04. Florida Metal

05. Doug Robertson

06. Glenn Chatfield

07. Sparrow9

Thank you, Walt, for responding so well over the years to data correction postings. The results were appreciated.

Best regards


7 days later

The other Mod hasn’t corrected or answered any questions or comments in what appears to be over 2 years, but he gets credit for being a Moderator.

I stepped away from being a moderator after receiving several abusive messages from both yourself and and your mate Doug.

MAYBE, just maybe if you hadn't given helicopterfriend so much garbage and contributed more to the site like you allegedly advised Ken, MAYBE, just maybe helicopterfriend wouldn't have given you so much ALLEGED ABUSIVE MESSAGES, as you call it, and if you hadn't called him a liar. Yes I know helicopterfriend and we communicate regularly.

2 months later

I am sorry to read this thread.

I found this site to be a very good thing, having the history and pictures of so many aircraft.

Corrections should be made in the future, to make this site better, and to honor the work off its contributors.


a year later

Damn, I didn't know the behind the scenes stuff...

I appreciate the work that all the mods do to keep this site going. No one is getting paid I pretty much only post here and these days.

Is there a way to lighten the loads of the mods some. A lot of my requests were me deleting my own mistakes. For example, maybe not enough coffee or too much rum (or Baileys) when I am building a profile or linking a profile and I goof with a tail #, but it's already been sent. If there was a way that we could delete our own mistakes without needing a mod, that might help.

I'd be willing to help out some if I could have access to data corrections. I run across duplicate profiles all the time when I am posting.

I'd be willing to help out some if I could have access to data corrections. I run across duplicate profiles all the time when I am posting.

I had just sent an IM asking if they need help with updates myself, I like having the pictures on Openadsb ap so I'm submitting currect Mode S's and some get updated, some don't. I sit at my computer pretty much 7 days a week and can easily help with the work load.

9 days later

Hi, Helicopterfriend. I don't visit this site much any more, so it's taken me some time to catch up with this news. Firstly, thank you for your kind acknowledgement of my contributions. I don't have near as many photos on this database as many of you guys, but I drop by occasionally to see what's new.

I haven't flown since 1986, partly due to not being able to pass the medical due to eyesight and hearing loss. I am 78 years old and loved visiting airfields where I could get photos of all sorts of aircraft. However, since the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, and the fact that I have now not driven for eight months, even that pleasure has evaporated. I doubt that I will be able to attend the Airshow Downunder (Avalon) again. This was a source for much pleasure and many photographs.

As I look through the pages of this database, I report any anomalies I come across in the Data Corrections forum.

Best regards,

peterr. (red750)

18 days later

I'd be willing to help out some if I could have access to data corrections. I run across duplicate profiles all the time when I am posting.

I had just sent an IM asking if they need help with updates myself, I like having the pictures on Openadsb ap so I'm submitting currect Mode S's and some get updated, some don't. I sit at my computer pretty much 7 days a week and can easily help with the work load.

I been really enjoying all your military stuff

22 days later

I been really enjoying all your military stuff

Thank you, I thought I had already replied, just noticed it never went through.