Hi all,

I just switched out the old forum software. All user info, boards (now called Tags), topics (now Discussions), and posts are moved over to the new board.

Unfortunately I cannot port over passwords, so everyone has to reset their password. I am sorry for the trouble.

The old board was integrated with the member section, so the switch-over might affect the functionality of member area. If you spot any issue, please leave a message here.


Please note the new forum software does not allow space in username, so during migration, all spaces are removed from username, for example, "Airport Data" will become "AirportData". You'll need to use correct username to log in.

However, the new software also has a nickname field, so if you want to have your full name shown, you can set nickname by clicking your username at top-right corner, then choose "Profile". In Profile page, at top-right corner, click "Control" then "Edit".


Hi Ken,
Do you know with the new server upgrade would that prevent pictures being used on an adsb app?

I use openadsb for military and the pictures always used to show. Now nothing is showing, is there something that needs to be turned on by the app creator?

Do you mean VirtualRadarServer ? I didn't make any change to API, so it should work fine.

I'll do some tests, maybe the server software upgrade caused a glitch.


I did some quick test, API works fine.

ADSB software requests thumbnails by mode-s code, using a URL like this:


Then the server will respond with 2 thumbnail links, return code is similar to the following

"status": 200,
"count": 2,
"data": [
"image": "https://airport-data.com/images/aircraft/thumbnails/000/950/950990.jpg",
"link": "https://airport-data.com/aircraft/photo/000950990.html",
"photographer": "Chris Hall"
"image": "https://airport-data.com/images/aircraft/thumbnails/000/942/942481.jpg",
"link": "https://airport-data.com/aircraft/photo/000942481.html",
"photographer": "keithnewsome"

The thumbnail images are shown by using "image" field data.


4 days later

Hi, Images are not working on Virtual Radar Server today. Is this a known issue?

Hi Gav,

It's server config error while I tried to block some excessive bots. Fixed now.


  • Gav likes this.

Here’s the app I’m referring too. It has worked for years, first photo shows my pic from here.

But the 2nd 2 pics are how they all show with no picture, both registrations have the mode S on the website.

    Do you mean thumbnails still missing from OpenADSB?

    I don't have the app installed. Actually even if I do, I don't think I can debug an APP. I checked a few VirtualRadarServer sites, which runs in browser, to verify the thumbnail API.

    oh I wasn't asking you to debug the app, I wasn't sure if however the thumbnails are fed so the app uses them was working? When the site would go down, they would disappear but this is the first time that when the site is up and running the pics weren't show.

    I appreciate you looking into it, I did reach out to the app creator but he seems to have walked away from it.

    This might have something to do with the server move. Depends on how the app composes request for thumbnails, a little change can broke it.

    15 days later