This aeroplane was with TWA as NC13711.
It was sold to Cox & Stephens who in turn sold it to the
Royal Air Force as serial no: DG477 on the 26th February 1941.
After the war the RAF passed the aircraft onto Indian Airlines,
becoming VT-AOZ. It had a pleasant life in India apparently
until it was broken up in July 1947 at Juhu Airfield.
This airfield is still in operation today, Juhu being a
suburb of Mumbai, formally Bombay.
There is some erroneous information on some internet
sites that have confused the issue. One refers to it's TWA
registration as NC13771. This was actually an interesting
aircraft in it's own right being a Vultee V-1A. Some others
give the Indian Airlines registration as VT-OAZ. This must
be a typo.
Hope the above is of interest.