Hi all,

Sorry being lost for so long.

The site has been moved to a new server, and got a few minor updates.

The site has been online for two decades now. It was originally built from 2004, layout updated in 2011. The server software stack is very old, and some packages, especially the forum, has security risks (This is probably why everyone's gallery settings was lost). This move addresses some (but not all) server software issue.

Next I am thinking of replacing the forum with something else. The hard part is to migrate the members' login info the new forum software, which I hasn't decided yet. Most likely everyone has to reset their password.

If you spot any issue, please leave a message here. I'll keep a close look in the coming week.



Received an inquiry why a new profile would not be accepted, stated: Server had a temporary error. Please try again later.

Said it's happened since the site came back up

When logging in told Server has temporary error, try again later.

Good day Sir

I can't load your site with Firefox 129.01: "a necessary TLS-function is missing".

TLS 1.3 seems to be the one to be used.

Thanks for the great site.

John, Switzerland

Received an inquiry why a new profile would not be accepted, stated: Server had a temporary error. Please try again later.

Said it's happened since the site came back up

Will check.

When logging in told Server has temporary error, try again later.

Login via forum? I need more info.


Good day Sir

I can't load your site with Firefox 129.01: "a necessary TLS-function is missing".

TLS 1.3 seems to be the one to be used.

Thanks for the great site.

John, Switzerland

Could you please upload a screenshot? I don't have firefox. A quick google shows 129.01 is the lastest version, which is quite strange to have TLS issue.


Received an inquiry why a new profile would not be accepted, stated: Server had a temporary error. Please try again later.

Said it's happened since the site came back up

It's fixed.


Ken, I told him it was fixed and he added his new profile, attempted to load a picture and got the same message as before: Server had a temporary error, Please try again later

I made a new profile and it was accepted, but it wouldn't let me load a picture, stated same as above reported

Good day Ken

Here is the screen-shot I get when trying to open the site with Firefox. i hope this works.

When logged out in Opera clicking on "Forums" only the "Home" site turns up.

Should one be logged-in to open the forums? Something new?

Thank you


The text:

Fehler: Gesicherte Verbindung fehlgeschlagen

Beim Verbinden mit airport-data.com trat ein Fehler auf. Eine benötigte TLS-Funktion fehlt.


Die Website kann nicht angezeigt werden, da die Authentizität der erhaltenen Daten nicht verifiziert werden konnte.

Kontaktieren Sie bitte den Inhaber der Website, um ihn über dieses Problem zu informieren.

Weitere Informationen…

In english:

Error: Secured connection failed

An error occurred while connecting to airport-data.com. A required TLS function is missing.


The website cannot be displayed because the authenticity of the data received could not be verified.

Please contact the owner of the website to inform him about this problem.

Further information...

I made a new profile and it was accepted, but it wouldn't let me load a picture, stated same as above reported

Please test again.



Good day Ken

Here is the screen-shot I get when trying to open the site with Firefox. i hope this works.

When logged out in Opera clicking on "Forums" only the "Home" site turns up.

Should one be logged-in to open the forums? Something new?

SSL issue should be fixed now. Please check again.

The other issue, home page show up instead of forums means the link is wrong. On which page did you click on the "Forums" link?


Good day Ken

quote "The other issue, home page show up instead of forums means the link is wrong. On which page did you click on the "Forums" link? "quote

It was the home-page on Opera.

It works now with Firefox and Opera.

Correcting a profile doesn't work neither with Opera nor Firefox: I tried with F-OGGV (1 engine, 4 seats, built 1975) and I got "Server had a temporary error. Please try again later."

I made corrections to the preceeding and following profiles the same day, GGV went not, not yesterday nor to-day....

Thank you and kind regards


Hi Ken
Great new site.
At least the corrections to F-OGGV are made. I tried several times to no avail.
I tried to change the serial-nuber of HB-CLF but got "Server had a temporary error. Please try again later."
Logged-in or not made no difference.
I have not found a knob to log-out? I found it here, but not on the home-page.
Thank you and greetings


Ken, so glad to see the site getting the attention it deserves!
I've been uploading since 2007, 23k pics. It became my go to for curating my Aero pics. I've met a some interesting folks and made some nice connections over the years. Just this week I was contacted by a guy that found a photo of his late Father's airplane. He was so excited.

I had almost given up hope that the site would survive.
Very happy to hear it's not lost!

Thank you!
Zane Adams

Hi Zane,

Thank you. I was took over by my daily job, but never wanted to give up the site.


17 days later

Site not working with Firefox/Mozilla. Secure Connection Failed Error message: Error Code: MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_REQUIRED_TLS_FEATURE_MISSING The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.