How do I move my folders around without sticking them inside another folder. See attached for examples. My A380 is located above the A300. I want to move it below the A350-1000 but it only seems like I will end up sticking it inside the A350-1000 folder or in the ATR folder, I don't see any space where you can move in between - unless I am missing something. At one time you had those arrows where you could move 1 or 5 spaces at a time, which was a long and tedious process if you had a huge list of types. This seems like it could be more convenient, but doesn't seem to be allowing me to move to a new location.

    Ken Wang

    Thanks for looking into this,

    I will attach what I am refering to - I did a search for KOSH under the Aircraft section. It seems nothing posted after 08/11/24 shows up now. It was working fine 2 weeks ago

    Found another thing I have a question on - sorry to keep buggin ya...

    How do I do a mass move of aircraft to a folder? What I like to do is post all my pictures then group them under a name in the description and then move them to a folder. I will show an example of the F-16C. For those wondering what the "zx, zw" etc in my descriptions are - it has to do with how I will group them in my various folders.

    When I do a search on F-16C zx, it pulls up all my F-16Cs. I don't see any way to move all of them at once into my F-16C folder, it looks as if I can only do one at a time (which will be a very long an tedious process. For me it is quicker to post all my pictures, then spend a week later on moving them all into their folders by how I code them - which I could do in the past.


      When you drag a folder and move over a folder, the hoved-over folder is highlighted with orange box, that means you'll move dragged folder INTO it. In the following picture, folder "2023" will be moved INTO "2024".

      If you hover over the gap between 2 folders, you'll see a line, which means you'll move dragged folder BETWEEN those 2 folders. . In the following picture, folder "2023" will be moved between "2008" and "2024".


        The best way to organize multiple photos is to use Gallery tool, not Airport/Aircraft photo tool.

        In your example, all your newly uploaded photos are in Gallery Root. From there, do a search ('zw' in your example), then you can drag-drop each photo from right size into a folder. You have to drag-drop one by one though. There's no multiple selection.

        You can use the Gallery Folder selection function in Airport/Aircraft photo tool for one-off changes.

          Ken Wang

          Thanks for explaining. Ok this reminds me of running a discord server and how we move channels around. I should have figured it out. This might be difficult for some members to try to adjust, but once you get the hang of it it sure beats being only able to move something 5 spaces at a time like we had to before. I have some groupings that have over 100 folders under them, so this will save a lot of time.

          Ken Wang

          I must be doing something wrong. I was trying this yesterday actually. I have several that say OSH 2024 zx. When I do OSH 2024 zx only 1 picture shows up. I have it set to show 10 per page.

          It's kind of strange. It is working fine for some, but doesn't work for others. I have plenty of Delta 737-900s from this batch, which I would post as "DAL 739 zx" but only 1 shows up. For Delta 737-800s I put "DAL 738 zx" and they all show up fine, several pages worth.

          I tried search aircraft photos with your member id and "OSH 2024 zx", it returns 53 photos from gallery root.
          Search "DAL 739" (without zx) only returns the one record in your screenshoot.

          It may be caused by code not fully updated in your browser. Press "F5" to refresh the site, then try again.

            I keep getting a "Server encountered an error" message whenever I try to view my photos in the member section. This error occurs in Airport Photos, Aircraft Photos, and Gallery.

              Ken Wang

              I tried F5, it seemed to only work once. Otherwise it doesn't seem to be working. Even having problems on the old system. Here I did "CT-114 Snowbirds zx" as you can see in the screenshot below I have at least 3 pics with that as a description - yet it's saying I don't have anything at all

                J. Derrickson

                Do you mean the old member section or new member portal? (I chose different names for easier identification of old and new member section)

                  J. Derrickson

                  I made a quick fix. Looks okay now. Please make sure you refresh the site, press F5 on any page should do.

                  The upload also includes some other fixes, which I didn't test throughly. Hopefully it wouldn't break anything.


                    I believe it's because you have too many photos, the search query took too long to complete. If you try the same query again (wait about 15 seconds), you should get correct results.

                    It returns 24 photos when search for "CT-114 Snowbirds zx".

                    I'll try to optimize the speed.